Skuteczność ISTDP

  1. Baldoni F, Baldaro B, Trombini G. Psychotherapeutic perspectives in urethral syndrome. Stress Med. 1995;11(1):79-84
  2. Abbass A. Office-based research in intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP): Data from the first 6 years of practice. Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy. 2002;6(2):5-14.
  3. Hawkins JR. The Role of Emotional Repression in Chronic Back Pain Patients Undergoing Psychodynamically Orientated Group Psychotherapy as Treatment for Their Pain. New York, NY: New York University School of Education; 2003.
  4. Hinson VK, Weinstein S, Bernard B, Leurgans SE, Goetz CG. Single-blind clinical trial of psychotherapy for treatment of psychogenic movement disorders. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2006;12(3):177-180.
  5. Abbass A, Lovas D, Purdy A. Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in the chronic headache patients. Cephalalgia. 2008;28(12):1305-1314.
  6. Russell LA, Abbass A A, Allder SJ, Kisely S, Pohlmann-Eden B, Town JM (2016). A pilot study of reduction in healthcare costs following the application of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy for psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsy & behavior : E&B , 63, 17-19.
  7. Chavooshi, B., Mohammadkhani, P., & Dolatshahee, B. (2016). A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial Comparing Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy as Internet-Delivered Versus Treatment as Usual for Medically Unexplained Pain: A Six-Month Pilot Study. Psychosomatics, 57(3), 292–300.
  8. Chavoosh i, B., Mohammadkhani, P., & Dolatshahee, B. (2016). Efficacy of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for Medically Unexplained Pain: A Pilot Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial Comparison with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 123–125.
  9. Chavoosh i, B., Mohammadkhani, P., & Dolatshahee, B. (2016). Telemedicine vs. inperson delivery of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy for patients with medically unexplained pain: A 12-month randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 0(0), 1–9.
  10. Svedlund , J., Sjodin, I., Ottosson, J. O., & Dotevall, G. (1983). Controlled study of psychotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome. Lancet, 2, 589-592.
  11. Abbass A, Campbell S, Magee K, Tarzwell R (2009). Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy to reduce rates of emergency department return visits for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: preliminary evidence from a pre-post intervention study. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 11(6), 529-34.
  12. Abbass A, Kisely S, Rasic D, Town JM, Johansson R (2015). Long-term healthcare cost reduction with Intensive Short term Dynamic Psychotherapy in a tertiary psychiatric service. Journal of psychiatric research, 64, 114-20.
  13. Linnet, J., & Jemec, G. B. (2001). Anxiety level and severity of skin condition predicts outcome of psychotherapy in atopic dermatitis patients. Int J Dermatol, 40, 632-636.
  14. Bargnani A, Rocco D. ISTDP for Bruxism. A Randomized Controlled Trial. In Progress. Padua Italy.
  15. Russell L. (2017) A preliminary evaluation of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy within a functional neurological symptoms service. The Neuropsychologist 4, 25-33
  16. Cooper A, Abbass A, Zed J, Bedford L, Sampalli T, Town J (2017) Implementing a Psychotherapy Service for Medically Unexplained Symptoms in a Primary Care Setting. Journal of Clinical Medicine 6, 109.
  17. Winston, A., Laikin, M., Pollack, J., Samstag, L., McCullough, L., & Muran, J. C. (1994). Short-Term Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders. American Journal Of Psychiatry, 151(2), 190-194.18 Hellerstein, D., Rosenthal, R., Pinsker, H., Samstag, L., Muran, J. C., & Winston, A. (1998). A randomized prospective study comparing supportive and dynamic therapies. Outcome and alliance. J Psychother Pract Res, 7(4), 261-271.
  18. Callahan, P. (2000). “Indexing Resistance in Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (STDP): Change in Breaks in Eye Contact During Anxiety (BECAS).”. Psychotherapy Research, 10(1), 87-99.
  19. Svartberg, M., Stiles, T., & Michael, S. (2004). Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Cognitive Therapy for Cluster C Personality Disorders. American Journal Of Psychiatry, 161, 810-817.
  20. Abbass, A. (2006). Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy of Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Pilot Study. Depress Anxiety, 23(7), 449-452.
  21. Abbass, A., Sheldon, A., Gyra, J., & Kalpin, A. (2008). Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for DSM-IV Personality Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(3), 211-216.
  22. Hajkowski, S., Buller S. (2012). Implementing Short-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in a Tier 4 Pathfinder Service: Interim Report. Retrieved from NHS, England.
  23. Abbass, A., Town, J., & Bernier, D. (2013). Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy Associated with Decreases in Electroconvulsive Therapy on Adult Acute Care Inpatient Ward. Psychotherapy And Psychosomatics, 82(6)
  24. Cornelissen, K. (2014). Long Term Follow Up of Residential ISTDP with Patients Suffering from Personality DisordersAd Hoc Bulletin of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, 18(3), 20-29.
  25. Cornelissen, K., & Roel, V. (2002). Treatment Outcome of Residential Treatment with ISTDP. AD HOC Bulletin of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy Practice and Theory, 6(2), 14-23.
  26. Solbakken, O. A., & Abbass, A. (2014). Implementation of an intensive short-term dynamic treatment program for patients with treatment-resistant disorders in residential care. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 12. doi:10.1186/1471-244X-14-12
  27. Solbakken, O. A., & Abbass, A. (2015). Intensive Short-term Dynamic Residential Treatment Program for Patients with Treatment-Resistant Disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders, 181, 67-77. doi:10.1016/ j.jad.2015.04.003
  28. Solbakken, O. A., & Abbass, A. (2016). Symptom and personality disorder changes in intensive short-term dynamic residential treatment for treatment resistant anxiety and depressive disorders. Acta Neuropsychiatrica28(5), 257-71.
  29. Town JM, Abbass A, Stride C, Bernier D (2017). A randomised controlled trial of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for treatment resistant depression: the Halifax Depression Study. Journal of Affective Disorders , 214,15-25.
  30. Wiborg, I. M., & Dahl, A. A. Does brief dynamic psychotherapy reduce relapse rate of panic disorder. Archive of General Psychiatry, 1996; 53: 689-94.
  31. Abbass, A. Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy in a private psychiatric office: clinical and cost effectiveness. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 2002 56(2), 252-32.
  32. Abbass A. Cost Effectiveness of Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy: Expert Rev. Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Res. 2003; 3(5): 535-539
  33. Abbass, A., Joffres, M. R., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2008). A naturalistic study of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy trial therapy. Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention, 8(2), 164-70.
  34. Abbass A, Campbell S, Magee K, Lenzer I and Hann G, Tarzwell R. Cost Savings of Treatment of Medically Unexplained Symptoms Using Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) by a Hospital Emergency Department. Arch Med Psychol 2010; 2 (1): 34-44.
  35. Abbass A, Rasic D, Kisely S, Katzman J. Residency training in intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy: methods and cost-effectiveness. Psychiatr Ann. 2013;43(11):501-506.
  36. Abbass A, Bernier D, Kisely S, Town J, Johansson R (2015). Sustained reduction in health care costs after adjunctive treatment of graded intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy in patients with psychotic disorders. PsychiatryResearch, 228(3), 538-43.
  37. Lilliengren P, Johansson R, Town JM, Kisely S, Abbass A (2017). Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy for generalized anxiety disorder: A pilot effectiveness and process-outcome study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Nov;24(6):1313-1321
  38. Chavooshi B, Saberi M, Tavallaie SA, Sahraei H (2017)Psychotherapy for Medically Unexplained Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. Psychosomatics. 58(5):506-518.

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