Dr. Risha Henry graduated from Stanford University and received her doctorate in clinical psychology from UCLA. Her postgraduate training included a fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Stanford University, a research position at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, and 3 years of basic ISTDP training and 2 years of advanced ISTDP training with Josette ten Have -de Labije, PsyD and Robert Neborsky, MD.
Her research focuses on the impact of life stress on the course of mood disorders.
She also completed intensive training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) at UCLA, and her training and therapeutic practice included working in the UCLA Behavioral Anxiety Clinic under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Craske, a leader in the research and treatment of anxiety disorders.
Dr. Henry has been in private practice since 2004 and her office is located in Menlo Park, California. She assists and co-leads ISTDP basic trainings together with Josette ten Have-de Labije in Europe and the USA.
Selected Publications:
  • Dienes, K.A., Hammen, C. Henry, R.M., Cohen, A.N., &; Yan, L.J.. 
    (2006). The stress sensitization hypothesis: Understanding the course of bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 95(1-3), 43-49.
  • Cohen, A.N., Hammen, C., Henry, R.M., & Daley, S.E. (2004). Effects of stress and social support on recurrence in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 82(1), 143-147.
  • Hammen, C., Henry, R.M., & Daley, E. (2000). Depression and sensitization to stressors as a function of childhood adversity. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(5), 782-787.
  • Pasupathi, M., Henry, R.M., & Carstensen, L. (2002). Age and ethnicity differences in storytelling to young children: emotionality, relationality and socialization. Psychology & Aging, 17(4), 610-621.
  • Yan, L.J., Hammen, C., Cohen, A.N., Daley, S.E., & Henry, R.M. (2004). Expressed emotion versus relationship quality variables in the prediction of recurrence in bipolar patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 83(2-3), 199-206.

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