Mark J Stein, PhD, DClinPsy, is a clinical psychologist working in China where he develops clinical psychology services and specialized psychological therapies for local and international populations. He has worked in the UK National Health Service for over 16 years. Dr. Stein is registered with the British Health Care Professions Council and is a member of the British Psychological Society. Dr. Stein has completed two three-year core trainings in dynamic experiential psychotherapy: (i) Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) with Josette ten Have-de Labije and Kees Cornelissen and (ii) Intensive Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE- DP) with Ferruccio Osimo. Dr. Stein also completed additional years of training with Josette ten Have-de Labije and Kees Cornelissen to become an accredited teacher and supervisor for IEDTA, the International Association for Empirical Dynamic Therapy in ISTDP. Along with Dr. Ross Crowther-Green, Dr. Stein leads the CORE ISTDP core training in the UK and is co-director of the UK Institute for ISTDP Research, Training and Practice and guest editor of the newsletter on Short Term Dynamic Therapy. Dr Stein is regularly responsible for training placements for PhD students undertaking training in clinical psychology and regularly teaches about empirical dynamic psychotherapy and ISTDP at universities in the UK. Dr. Stein is an Honorary Lecturer in Clinical Psychology in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield. Dr. Stein has organized and/or presented at national and international conferences, most recently at a conference in Berlin, Germany on the Working Alliance in ISTDP and for the British Psychological Society in London. Dr. Stein has published in the field, and with Ferruccio Osimo, co-edited publications and a book, The Theory and Practice of Empirical Dynamic Psychotherapy, published by Karnac Publishing. Dr Stein has an interest in clinical research, particularly research into the process of psychotherapy, and has been involved in doctoral research evaluating the benefits of extended initial sessions, as well as serving as an NHS clinical research supervisor for a PhD student at the University of Sheffield conducting research into the use of video in clinical practice and professional development.

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