We are pleased to invite you to this 2-day online immersion course. ISTDP was pioneered by Dr. Habib Davanloo in the 1960-70’s. The treatment is now practised across the globe by a diverse group of clinicians, demonstrating efficacy with personality disorders, somatic symptoms, depression and anxiety disorders.


This course will be provided by Dr. Allan Abbass and Dr. Joel Town focusing on the topic of the application of ISTDP for Anxiety Disorders.
Anxiety Disorders are categories of disorders that have in common features of unrealistic levels of fear and anxiety, and related disruptive avoidant behavioural patterns. Differences between common anxiety presentations include the nature of the explicit situations that trigger anxiety. However, anxiety disorders tend to be highly comorbid with each other. ISTDP helps patients to understand their subjective anxiety-based distress as associated to and activated by conflicted feelings about underlying attachment needs.
In this immersion course, we will cover key assessment and treatment phases in ISTDP with the use of audio-visual case material. There will be a focus on the process of mobilisation and experiencing of complex attachment feelings to alleviate symptoms and patterns of behavioural avoidance. We will discuss the application of ISTDP for different presentations, including Panic Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder.
This course is suitable for all mental health professionals, physicians, nurse practitioners and other health professionals.


This immersion will be held online only.
Reduced rates are available for group registrations and those in certain lower income countries. Email for details.
Because the course will be held online, it is open to the following groups of healthcare professionals and therapists : 1) those who are in an ISTDP or EDT Core training or supervision, 2) those who have previously completed an ISTDP/EDT Core training program, 3) ISTDP/EDT Trainers, 4) Colleagues of these 3 groups who will attend the immersion while physically being present in the same room, and 5) those who are part of any ISTDP/EDT Societies with signed confidentiality agreements. This is all to ensure confidentiality of case materials that will be reviewed and discussed.
This training is exclusively for licensed mental health and registered health professionals, including Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, as well as Physicians, Nurses, Physical Therapists, etc. If you are not a mental health or health professional, you may not attend due to the protection of patient confidentiality. Students and trainees pursuing licensure or registration as a mental health or health professional under supervision are welcome.

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