What is supervision

Supervision is a form of support given to the therapist by a supervisor with many years of experience in conducting psychotherapy and a competence to conduct supervision independently, confirmed by a recognized external institution. In the case of Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, it is the International Association of Empirical Therapies – IEDTA. You can read more about IEDTA here:About IEDTA You can read more about the IEDTA Supervisor criteria here: Supervisor


Cost of individual supervision: 450 PLN 90 min
Cost of group supervision: 900-1300 PLN/person (the cost depends on the duration and size of the group)


Purpose of supervision

The purpose of supervision is first and foremost for the welfare of the patients, who benefit from the additional time of their psychotherapist and the 'eyes’ and knowledge of an experienced supervisor. In the process of supervision, it is also important to develop the skills of the psychotherapist himself, as well as to give him support in working with the patient. People who work in the mental health field – psychiatrists and psychotherapists are a professional group that is particularly vulnerable to burnout. Therefore, one of the key elements of caring for one’s own well-being, in addition to gaining knowledge and support for patient diagnosis or the development of therapeutic techniques, is also the opportunity to share what the work raises within the psychotherapist themselves (countertransference processes).
In our practice, we see that a number of 'stucknesses’ in the therapeutic process stem from the psychotherapist’s own 'unsolved’ areas. An experienced supervisor has the ability to work both at the level of the video material presented working with the patient and at the personal level of the psychotherapist/supervisor.

How to prepare for supervision

A characteristic feature of the work of an ISTDP psychotherapist is to video-record his/her work with the patient and then analyze the above-mentioned material. To get the most out of the supervisor’s experience, we use the supervision forms in the book „ISTDP for Practitioners” by Josette ten Have-de Labije, Robert Neborsky
  1. Prepare a supervision form – choose a supervision form depending on whether this is the first or subsequent session
  2. Prepare and write down 2 parts of the video for supervision: the first 5 minutes of the session and the part of the work in which you need help
  3. Write down your questions
  4. If this is an English-speaking supervisor, prepare the form and transcript in English and sign the videos

Registration form


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